Dr. Steenblock has given me a new lease on life! Before going to the Health Restoration Medical Center my left side was completely paralyzed... In only 3 weeks I was able to drive by myself again! Dorothy Conforti

Since coming to the Health Restoration Medical Center my husband has made a complete turnaround. He was in a wheelchair and wasn't responding to he has a new zest for life and he can walk. Mary Fitzgerald

In the 10 years since my stroke, nothing has benefited me as much as the treatments I had with Health Restoration Medical Center. I am sincerely grateful for what they have done. Sophie Zaft

I started the treatment two weeks after my stroke attack. I was immediately impressed by the modern test equipment and the kind and efficient people I met at Health Restoration Medical Center...After 60 treatments, I am restored to normal health...there is nothng else in medicine which I could recommend with such conviction and enthusiasm. Norbert Werkes, M.D.

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